
Geosynthetics are synthetic fabrics that are used in a variety of civil engineering applications, including landfill construction. Geotextiles are commonly used in landfill construction because they can improve the stability and performance of the landfill, while also reducing maintenance and repair costs. The geotextiles also improve the overall safety and environmental impact of landfill projects.

Landfill sites require that the waste is effectively contained for very long periods of time in a waterproof system, avoiding any contact of the waste material or leachate from coming into contact with the soil and ground water. High performing lining systems are needed, which incorporate heavy duty geotextiles to add a long lasting layer of protection to this system. These geotextiles avoid damage to the liner by waste or granular materials.

Geotextiles and drainage composites can also assist in landfill construction with drainage. Geotextiles and drainage composites can be placed below the waste materials to allow water to drain away, helping to prevent standing water and reducing the risk of leachate formation. They can can also be used as drainage systems to move fluids away from the waste to water treatment locations.

Geotextiles and composite products are useful components in the capping of a completed landfill system, making sure the contained waste is securely stored and effectively protecting the liner membrane and rapidly evacuating the water on top of the capping system.

Other geosynthetic products such as reinforcement grids or erosion control products can be used to stabilize the slopes of the landfills and the access roads and surrounding sites.

Typische toepassingen

  • Verstevigings- en erosiebestrijdingslaag om de stabiliteit te verbeteren
  • Bescherming van insluitingslagen tegen beschadiging
  • Insluitingslaag om te voorkomen dat afvalmaterialen in contact komen met de grond
  • Prevent standing water and leachate formation


  • Verbeterde stabiliteit en prestaties van stortplaatsen
  • Lagere onderhouds- en reparatiekosten
  • Preventie van bodemverontreiniging en grondwaterverontreiniging


Over het algemeen zijn geotextielen een waardevol hulpmiddel bij de bouw van stortplaatsen, omdat ze de stabiliteit en prestaties van de stortplaats kunnen verbeteren en tegelijkertijd de onderhouds- en reparatiekosten kunnen verlagen.

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